Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Molish Test

Molish Test is a chemical test to detect the presence of carbohidrate. It is not specific test, all of the member of carbohidrate (C6H12O6) can be detected. It is also detect carbohidrate in free form or in attached form. Positive result of this test is appear of purple color. Carbohidrate will be dehidrate by strong acid to form furfural, alpha-napthol will react with furfural to produce purple color. Alpha-napthol present in the molish reagent.

How to make molish reagent:
To make molish reagent we must mix 10 gram of alpha-napthol to 100 ml of 95% etil alcohol.

Procedure of the Test
1. Take 2 ml of solution that want to be tested in the test tube
2. Add 2 drops of molish reagent
3. Mix the solution
4. Take 2 ml of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and pour to the first solution through the wall of test tube.
5. Positive result will showing purple color ring in the solution boundaries.


                                                        Courtesy of

Positive Test Result

Courtessy of

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