Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Xanthoproteic Test

Xanthoproteic test is used to detect the presence of tyrosine, phenilalanine, and tripthophane.
Benzene core in the amino acids above will be nitrated with HNO3 and forming nitro compound, the yellow color is formed and in the alchaly environment will change to orange color.

Important in this test is:
1. HNO3
2. NaOH

1. Take 2 ml of solution that will be tested in the test tube
2. Add 1 ml of HNO3
3.  Look at the white pecipitate that formed
4. Boiled up ,the precipitate will dissappeared and will show yellow color of solution
5. Add NaOH drop per drop
6. The orange color will appear

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